RAGAMUFFIN. writer. photographer. suburban missionary. covocational apprentice to jesus in new england.

“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile.” - Jer. 29:7

When I moved to New England from Texas in the summer of 2013, I convinced myself it was temporary. Surely, I thought, I’ll find myself back in the Bible Belt again soon. Needless to say, Jesus had other plans. His story told in my life brought me through a period of waywardness, tragedy, and a prodigal’s return to my first love.

Along the way, I discovered the joy of photography, my spiritual home amongst a body of Jesus followers, and eventually, my wife, Rebecca.

Despite the urge to run and escape the pain of living in a place where so much sadness and trauma had occurred, God called me to stay, to make my home in the ruins, and find my healing and refuge within the city where I had once felt so exiled. And you know what? After some time, I’ve begun to love the city of Rochester, New Hampshire.

So, here I am - working out what it looks like to live into my calling, doing my best to love my city, my new home, to bring light into the darkness through my work, my photography, and by making whole-hearted followers of Jesus.


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